Діюча речовина | мезотріон, 75 г/л + нікосульфурон, 30 г/л |

Prius 400 SC
Highly effective fungicide with contact action against various fungal diseases of fruit crops, vegetables and grapes.
Category: Fungicides
Active ingredientpyrimethanil, 400 g/l
Formulationsuspension concentrate
Packing5 L
Mode of actionPyrimethanil disrupts the biosynthesis of the amino acid of methionine, as a result there is a lack of proteins in the cells of the pathogen that fatally affects their viability;
- Additional information
- Method of application
- Compatibility
- Application features
- Product’s advantages
Method of application
Crop | Dose rate, l/ha | Disease | Max. number of treatments |
Apple tree, pear tree | 0.75-1.2 | Scab | 2-3 |
Grape | 1.2-2.5 | Uncinula necator, gray mold | 2 |
Tomato, bean, pea | 1.5-2.0 | Gray mold | 2 |
Strawberry | 2.0 | Gray mold | 2-3 |
It is recommended to carry out the test for chemical compatibility while mixing with insecticide.
Application features
- 7-10 days (the smallest interval between treatments during intensive development of a disease and during growth of leaves);
- smaller interval of an action can be caused by such adverse weather factors as frequent heavy rain falls, high temperature of air (considerably exceeding average long-term temperature) within several days.
Product’s advantages
- complete distribution of the product in the plant – through a gas phase and by systemic action;
- flexibility of application with the possibility to extend the interval between treatments;
- preventive, therapeutic and anti sporulating action. It has a protective and therapeutic action and is active at low temperatures;
- ability to control early infection of plants;
- penetrates quickly into the leaf tissues;
- resistant to washing off by rain immediately after drying on the leaf surface (two hours after treatment) and can withstand a large amount of precipitation;
- does not require mixing with other fungicides and adhesives.